I could write an entire article about why every cemetery deserves our attention. The recent scandals at Burr Oak cemetery in Chicago demonstrate how deeply people care about the final resting places of their loved ones. But of all the old and neglected cemeteries in this country, why McCord? My husband and I first became aware of McCord because several of his distant ancestors are buried there. And when we went to visit there last August, we couldn't even reach the section where they were buried. The brambles and brush and bees kept us away. We also saw several toppled and broken headstones, each of which represents a person, a family, and part of the history of Illinois and our country.
McCord, formerly known as Old Bear Creek cemetery, is one of the oldest cemeteries in Illinois. Veterans from the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Black Hawk War and Civil War are buried there. The gravestones at McCord reflect the pioneer history of Illinois and we should honor them. Restore McCord was formed to do just that, by restoring as many of the headstones as we can locate, and maintaining the cemetery grounds so that family members, descendents, and genealogists are able to visit the site. We will be also posting the results of our cemetery readings and photos of each headstone for the benefit of people who cannot visit in person.
Follow this blog for updates and come to our first meeting on Saturday, November 7th at 3:00 pm. We'll be gathering at the Century House in Irving to talk about our progress to date and discuss what still needs to be done. Hope to see you there!