Thursday, October 8, 2009

New Group Forms to Restore Cemetery

I am very excited to announce the formation of "Restore McCord," a new group dedicated to repairing, restoring and maintaining McCord (or "Old Bear Creek") Cemetery, located in Irving Township, Montgomery County, Illinois. The new group is being formed under the auspices of the Irving Area Historical Society. Our first meeting will be held on Saturday, November 7, 3pm at the Century House, 117 E. Union, in Irving. The meeting is open to the public, so come and join us! If you can't make it, I will be updating this blog on our progress, so check back in!


  1. Thank you for spearheading this worthwhile effort, Joyce! Jeanne Johnson

  2. What a great idea. I visited McCord over the summer and it needed a lot of help. Looking forward to seeing all the improvements.

  3. The Irving Historical Museum has generously donated funds toward "Restore McCord" and this organization is accepting donations for the project. You can read more about the museum and their address to mail contributions at

  4. The Irving Area Historical Museum has been trying to clean up McCord cemetery so that at least you would be able to walk through it and read the names on the tombstones, etc.. Last year a young couple spent quite a bit of time out there and helped a lot. This spring the brush, blackberry vines, etc. were coming back.
    On August 3, 2009 Joyce and Rich Williams from La Grange, Il. with their two chilren visited the museum. They also went out to McCord, Hopewell and Irving cemeteries. When they got home they sent us an email stating that they were going to get McCord cleaned up. They were the spark that was needed. They are off to a good start. Thanks Joyce & Rich.

  5. I just visited the McCord Cemetary with my dad (Lemar) After hearing his story of hacking his way into a brush and vine coverd field last August in the heat and humidity(he is 86) it was a great site to see all the headstones and the area cleaned up.....thanks to all of those who work so hard with this wesite, the clean up and searching data to save the heritage of families that would of been forgoten
    Barry Hartman
    Murrells Inlet SC

  6. Barry, your dad has been doing do much work to restore this cemetery! I am so glad we've had a chance to meet him and to work together on this project.
